​​​​​​​Select your Christchurch CPC session below
(click on the calendar session to register)

Indoor play has commenced for 2025 however we are still holding outdoor sessions on Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays at The Church, 1 Harewood Road, Papanui. No registration required, pay by QR code on arrival.  Session times are in the calendar below.

Important information about session registration

Non CPC Christchurch Sessions

Other Selwyn Sessions

Other North Canterbury Sessions

Ashburton Sessions

​​​​​​​Other places to play:

You can play at the following community tennis courts that have been marked with pickleball lines - all you need are your paddles and balls.

  • Pioneer Recreation & Sports Centre, 75 Lyttleton St, Somerfield, Christchurch 8024
  • Westmorland (Francis Reserve), Cashmere Rd, Westmorland, Christchurch 8025
  • Milns Court (Six Silvers Reserve), Cnr Milns Rd and Six Silvers Ave, Halswell, Christchurch 8025
  • Sheldon Park (at the netball courts), Main North Road, Belfast, Christchurch 8051 - note that you will need to BYO a net to this location also

Private Hire
If you want to get yourselves together and hire a court or two on the weekend, casual court hire is also available at the following centres (nets provided, some will also hire paddles and balls). Contact the venue directly to enquire about rates and availability.

  • Pioneer Recreation & Sports Centre, Christchurch - ph 03 9416446
  • Graham Condon Recreation & Sports Centre, Christchurch - ph 03 9416446 
  • Eastern Canopy (Rawhiti), Christchurch - see here
  • Avon Hub, Christchurch - see here
  • Selwyn Sports Centre, Rolleston - ph 03 3472888 or see here
  • EA Networks Centre, Ashburton - ph 03 3084020 or see here
  • MainPower Stadium, Rangiora - ph 03 9755560 or see here​​​​​​​
  • Dink Pickleball (The Cashmere Club) Sunday, Monday, Wednesday and Fridays - book here 


MONDAY PICKLEBALL - (8 pm - 9.30 pm) – Avon Hub

Proficient Beginners to Intermediate Socail Rec Play Suitable for beginners who have completed our Pickleball fundamentals clinics and those who can dink, sustain a rally of more than 4 shots, know the rules and know how to score.

Register Here